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Board of Directors

As part of the Federal Reserve Act, each of the 12 Reserve Banks has a nine-member board of directors. Our directors oversee Reserve Bank operations, serve on Board committees, and provide diverse perspectives on local economic conditions to help inform Federal Open Market Committee deliberations. Our branch offices in Baltimore and Charlotte also have seven-member boards of directors who contribute additional economic insights and connections to the communities we serve.

The Federal Reserve Act requires that member banks elect three directors to represent banks and three directors to represent the public. The Federal Reserve Board of Governors appoints an additional three directors, also to represent the public. Branch directors are appointed by the head-office board and by the Board of Governors.

Board of Governors policy prohibits directors from receiving any confidential supervisory information or participating in any bank supervisory matters. Additionally, directors representing member banks do not participate in selecting Reserve Bank presidents and first vice presidents, or in selecting Reserve Bank officers whose primary duties involve supervisory matters.

Meeting minutes from monthly Board of Directors meetings are released in six-month batches six months after the meetings have occurred. 

More information, including the boards’ structure and composition; directors’ roles and responsibilities; and polices governing their service is available on the Board of Governors’ website.



Lisa Hamilton
Chair of the Board
President and CEO
The Annie E. Casey Foundation
Baltimore, Maryland
Halsey Cook
Deputy Board Chair
President and CEO
Milliken & Company
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Jodie McLean
Former Board Chair
Washington, D.C.
Robert M. Blue
President and CEO
Dominion Energy
Richmond, Virginia
Photo of Alice Frazier
President and CEO
Potomac Bancshares, Inc.
Charles Town, West Virginia
Barbara Humpton
President and CEO
Siemens Corporation
Washington, D.C.
Jenn LaClair
Head of Merchant Solutions
Fiserv, Inc.
Charlotte, North Carolina
James Sills
President and CEO
Mechanics and Farmers Bank
Durham, North Carolina
Scott Werry
Managing Partner
Chapel Hill, North Carolina


Leslie D. Hale
Chair of the Board
President and CEO
RLJ Lodging Trust
Bethesda, Maryland
Board of Director William J. McCarthy
Former Board Chair
Executive Director
Catholic Charities of Baltimore
Baltimore, Maryland
Brenda Galgano
Executive Vice President and CFO
Perdue Farms Inc.
Salisbury, Maryland
Cecilia A. Hodges
Regional President
M&T Bank
Greater Washington, D.C. and Virginia
Anthony Jenkins
Coppin State University
Baltimore, Maryland
Baltimore Board of Director Meeting Brian McLaughlin
Founder and Managing Partner
Columbia, Maryland


James Goodmon
Chair of the Board
President and COO
Capitol Broadcasting Company
Raleigh, North Carolina
Bernie Mazyck
Former Board Chair
President and CEO
South Carolina Association for Community Economic Development
Charleston, South Carolina
Charlotte Board of Director Samuel Erwin
Executive Vice President and Director, Regional Banking
First Horizon Bank
Greenville, South Carolina
Lori Hudson
Vice President and CFO
National Gypsum Company
Charlotte, North Carolina
The Johnson Group
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Barbara Melvin
President and CEO
South Carolina Ports
Mount Pleasant, South Carolina
Dionne Nelson
President and CEO
Laurel Street
Charlotte, North Carolina