
The publications below are from the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond and can be downloaded and ordered free of charge. Publications are available in quantity for classroom use in the United States. Individual copies of publications are available to all other audience types in the United States. No international orders can be accepted.
Your Connection to the Economy and the Federal Reserve
An infographic illustrating how the Federal Reserve connects to your daily life.
5E Navigator
5E Navigator is an online publication designed for financial literacy practitioners, educators and the public. It provides reliable information to help people make informed decisions about their personal finances. Each issue of 5E Navigator takes the reader on a navigation-themed journey exploring a personal finance topic.
My Money
My Money is an educational workbook for students in elementary school. Topics include money, coin equivalents, jobs, goods, services and barter.
Dollars and Sense
Dollars and Sense is a budgeting game for middle and high school students. Students select a lifestyle and budget for expenses and unexpected events.
The Economic Goal of Price Stability
In this lesson, students participate in an exercise to experience effects similar to those that consumers experience when dealing with unstable prices.
Econ Focus Reading Q&A: Business Cycles
Econ Focus Reading Q&As are comprised of an article from our Econ Focus magazine accompanied by a quiz. The quiz differs depending on the content of the article, but is typically 10 or fewer questions with a combination of multiple choice or short answer. This Econ Focus Reading Q&A is on business cycles.
Econ Focus
This is the economics magazine of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. It covers economic issues affecting the Fifth Federal Reserve District and the nation and is published on a quarterly basis by the Bank's Research Department.
Is College Worth It?
A Richmond Fed economist references recent data and research in discussing the payoffs and challenges of pursuing post-secondary education. This presentation is directed to educators and financial literacy practitioners interested in helping high school students choose the best path for their future.
Federal Reserve Today
The booklet provides a detailed explanation of the functions, objectives and organization of the Federal Reserve System.
5E Educator
This electronic publication is designed to provide secondary teachers with economics content and classroom activities available from the Federal Reserve System.