Regional Analysts
Sierra Stoney
Sierra Stoney was a senior research analyst at the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. She worked on the Regional and Community Analysis team at the Richmond Fed from 2021 to 2024.
Bank Publications
Econ Focus, Fourth Quarter 2024
What roles do large and small investors play in local housing markets across the Fifth District and how do they shape the availability and prices of homes?
Sierra Stoney
Economic Brief, August 2024, No. 24-24What do commuting patterns look like for Fifth District counties, and what do they tell us about a county's residents?
Santiago Pinto and Sierra Stoney
Econ Focus, First Quarter 2023While the poverty threshold and income relative to AMI are the two most commonly used measures for determining income eligibility for means-tested programs, researchers may consider additional thresholds against which to characterize the income of populations.
Sierra Stoney
Econ Focus, First Quarter 2023How do policymakers decide who qualifies for means-tested programs?
Sierra Stoney
Econ Focus, Fourth Quarter 2022As revealed through data and academic literature, historical inequity in credit access still affects minority borrowers today.
Surekha Carpenter and Sierra Stoney
Economic Brief, November 2022, No. 22-47Examining commuting behavior helps show how connected counties are in the Fifth Federal Reserve District.
Santiago Pinto and Sierra Stoney
Econ Focus, Third Quarter 2022States and school districts are using a variety of policies – including financial incentives – to try to combat a teacher shortage.
Sarah Gunn and Sierra Stoney
Econ Focus, Third Quarter 2022To the best of their ability, school districts set salary and benefit schedules to be competitive with outside employment opportunities.
Sarah Gunn and Sierra Stoney
Econ Focus, Second Quarter 2022Numerous factors — including population growth, education, housing, transportation, child care, health, and broadband availability — are shaping the differences in employment outcomes between rural and urban communities.
Stephanie Norris, Jessie Romero, Sierra Stoney and Sonya Ravindranath Waddell
Economic Brief, May 2022, No. 22-16Unlike in other recessions, women's labor force participation was impacted more than men's. What impact did child care have?
Kartik B. Athreya and Sierra Stoney
Econ Focus, First Quarter 2022Although people often associate high housing costs with urban areas, many households in rural areas also struggle with costly housing
Sierra Stoney
Regional Matters
February 15, 2024
Differences in permitting activity, land use regulation, and land availability contribute to variation in how rapidly the local housing supply is growing in communities throughout the Fifth District.
Adam Scavette and Sierra Stoney
October 12, 2023In addition to differences in housing affordability, rural Fifth District households experience differences in housing quality by tenure and income.
Sierra Stoney
September 7, 2023While the recent decline in rural homeownership affordability has challenged prospective buyers, many existing rural homeowners and renters are also burdened by their housing costs.
Sierra Stoney
July 6, 2023Large metro areas aren't the only places to see recent declines in homeownership affordability. Home prices have grown faster than household income in nonmetropolitan areas, too, contributing to affordability challenges in these communities.
Sierra Stoney
February 16, 2023Following two years of tight housing market conditions in the Fifth District, indicators suggest that markets are cooling although affordability remains an issue.
Sierra Stoney
December 16, 2022Hispanic postsecondary enrollment has nearly doubled in the Fifth District over the past decade, contributing to increased diversity across college campuses. Organizations work to engage Hispanic youth throughout the college application and attendance process to ensure their success as college students.
Sierra Stoney and Laura Dawson Ullrich
November 4, 2022After accounting for cost of living, teachers' salaries go further in some rural communities throughout the Fifth District.
Sierra Stoney
October 20, 2022Where people work relative to where they live is a good indicator of how connected counties are to one another. This post explores the extent to which urban and rural counties in the Fifth District are connected by exploring commuting patterns.
Santiago Pinto and Sierra Stoney
June 16, 2022The New River Valley Regional Commission is an example of how a regional development organization can galvanize innovative, sustainable regional and local housing strategies to serve its small towns and rural communities.
Sierra Stoney and Tiffany Hollin-Wright
May 5, 2022Housing and transportation represent the two largest living expenses in most households, but local investment can address households' travel needs.
Sierra Stoney
September 24, 2021This post explores lagged recovery in labor force participation for Black and Hispanic women that started at the onset of the COVID-19 recession.
Katie Daniluk and Sierra Stoney
Blog Posts
Macro Minute, October 1, 2024
In the past couple of years, Charlotte's high multifamily rent growth appears to be driven by differences in demand via renter household growth, but this growth has been moderated by growth in multifamily supply.
Adam Scavette and Sierra Stoney
Rural Spotlights, August 11, 2023A unique partnership between Compass Point Preschool and Northeastern Technical College in Cheraw, South Carolina, makes affordable, high-quality child care accessible to parents entering the labor force.
Erika W. Bell and Sierra Stoney
Rural Spotlights, May 18, 2023Carroll County, Virginia, worked closely with Virginia Housing and developer Landmark Asset Services, Inc. to repurpose the county’s old high school building into affordable rental housing.
Sierra Stoney