Econ Focus
Robert Litan
The corporate scandals of the past year and a half have sent shock waves through Wall Street — and generated numerous proposals for reform on Capitol Hill.
Vice President and Director of Economic Studies, Brookings Institution
- Previous Positions
Associate Director, Office of Management and Budget (1995-96);
Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Antitrust Division, U.S. Department of Justice (1993-95);
Attorney, Powell, Goldstein, Frazer & Murphy (1982-90);
Attorney, Arnold & Porter (1979-82); Staff Member, President's Council of Economic Advisers (1977-79) B.S., University of Pennsylvania (1972);
J.D., Yale Law School (1977);
Ph.D., Yale University (1987)- Selected Publications
Beyond the Dot.Coms: The Economic Promise of the Internet (co-author);
American Finance for the 21st Century (co-author);
Globaphobia: Confronting Fears About Open Trade (co-author);
What Should Banks Do? (author)
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