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Econ Focus

The Agriculture Bill's Bountiful Harvest

Legislation Boosts Payments to Fifth District Farmers
By Carl Brooks

Fifth District Production of Selected Program Crops, 2001

  Production (thousands of bushels)* Share of U.S. Production
North Carolina
Barley 1,206 .05%
Corn for grain 78,125 .08%
Upland cotton 1,620 8.3%
Oats 1,680 1.4%
Peanuts 369,000 8.7%
Sorghum 770 0.1%
Soybeans for beans 43,200 1.5%
Wheat (all types) 18,330 .09%
South Carolina
Corn for grain 25,920 0.3%
Upland cotton 425 2.2%
Oats 1,425 1.2%
Peanuts 30,450 0.7%
Sorghum 390 0.1%
Soybeans for beans 9,460 0.3%
Wheat (all types) 9,030 0.5%
Barley 3,750 1.5%
Corn for grain 40,590 0.4%
Upland cotton 199 1.0%
Peanuts 232,500 5.5%
Sorghum 264 0.1%
Soybeans for beans 17,280 0.6%
Wheat (all types) 10,200 0.5%
Barley 3,825 1.5%
Corn for grain 55,760 0.6%
Sorghum 664 0.1%
Soybeans for beans 20,085 0.7%
Wheat (all types) 11,025 0.6%
West Virginia
Corn for grain 3,120 0.03%
Soybeans for beans 672 0.02%
Wheat (all types) 464 0.02%
*Upland cotton is measured in thousands of bales, and peanuts are measured in thousands of pounds.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Agriculture
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