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Econ Focus

Beyond the Turmoil

After a period of rapid and uneven growth, the telecommunications industry in the Fifth District is in the midst of a painful reorganization as service providers rethink how to meet customer demand.
By Charles Gerena

Scarce Competition in Short Haul

Despite the best efforts of federal regulators to encourage competition in local markets, there are still a lot of places in the Fifth District where only a handful of competitive local exchange carriers (CLECs) offer telecommunications services. Most of West Virginia isn't served by any CLECs at all, while more than half of the zip codes in the District of Columbia have more than four CLECs.

Percentage of Zip Codes With a Specific Number of CLECs

  0 CLECs 1-3 CLECs 4+ CLECs
District of Columbia 19 30 52
Maryland 4 60 36
North Carolina 13 53 35
South Carolina 43 37 20
Virginia 54 30 16
West Virginia 99 1 0
U.S. AVERAGE 40 34 25
Note: Rows may not add to 100 percent due to rounding

Source: Local Telephone Competition: Status as of June 30, 2001, Federal Communications Commission

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