Student Loans: Are Yours Afloat?

This issue examines student loans and directs readers to information and tools for managing student loan repayment.
In This Issue
Student Loans: Are Yours Afloat?
How are student loans different from other types of loans? Where can I find information to help manage repayment? This seafaring edition of 5E Navigator takes readers on a voyage exploring student loan repayment. Whether you’re a recent college graduate out at sea or still on shore in school, you’ll find information and tools to help you manage your student loans.
Related Resources – For more information on the post-secondary decision, check out these other resources:
5E Navigator: Higher Education is an online publication that examines the decision to pursue higher education and directs the reader to related information.
Invest in What’s Next is an online series of lessons that helps students create a plan for life after high school.
Navigate: Exploring College and Careers is a student workbook that introduces students to careers, college and financial aid.