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Past Webinar

woman at computer looking for job
Wed., May 5, 2021

Connecting People to Jobs

Getting a degree or a certificate is one thing—getting a job is another, particularly given the uncertainty around where the labor market is headed. Educators and community and business leaders will share strategies to connect people to in-demand jobs.

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This event is part two of the two-part District Dialogues series finale, which will address the effects of educational disparities and COVID-19 on student outcomes beyond high school, including college enrollment and entrance into the workforce.

For more information on part one of the series finale, including agenda and featured speakers, visit the Session 5: After High School event page. Part one will immediately precede the part two premiere on Wednesday, May 5. Registrants will receive a single link to view both parts of the finale on the Richmond Fed YouTube channel.


Who Should Attend

This series is open to anyone interested in the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education, including educators, school administrators, state and local policymakers, workforce development professionals, and community and business leaders.

headshot of Laura Ullrich
Director, Community College Initiative
Elisabeth Reynolds
Executive Director, MIT Industrial Performance Center; National Economic Council
Place Holder
Gat Caperton
CEO, Gat Creek Furniture
Place Holder
Paul Sinanian
Manager of talent programs and training, BMW Manufacturing


  • Wednesday, May 5, 2021
    02:00 pm

    Laura Ullrich, Regional Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

    02:05 pm

    In Conversation: Jobs of the Future
    Elisabeth Reynolds, Executive Director, MIT Industrial Performance Center; National Economic Council
    Laura Ullrich, Regional Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

    02:20 pm

    Discussion: Employer-Driven Solutions
    Gat Caperton, CEO, Gat Creek Furniture
    Paul Sinanian, manager of talent programs and training, BMW Manufacturing
    Laura Ullrich, Regional Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

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