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2024 Community Investment Council

The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond established the Community Investment Council in 2011.  The primary purpose of CIC is to inform the Bank about emerging issues and trends in communities across the Fifth District, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods and communities.  Members of CIC represent unique perspectives on community investment and local economic growth from across the District.  They are leaders from communities who understand the challenges and opportunities for local economic growth, especially with respect to community investment tools and policies.


Headshot photo of Franklyn Baker
Franklyn Baker
President and CEO
United Way of Central Maryland
Baltimore, Maryland
Headshot of Nathaniel Barber
Nathaniel A. Barber
Chief Executive Officer
SC Community Loan Fund
Charleston, South Carolina
headshot of Sara Dunnigan
Sara Dunnigan
Deputy Director, GO Virginia
Virginia Growth and Opportunity Board
Richmond, Virginia
Headshot of Marlowe Foster
Marlowe Foster
President and CEO
Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity
Wilmington, North Carolina
Headshot of Rochelle Goodwin
Rochelle Goodwin
Director of Strategic Initiatives
Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation
Morgantown, West Virginia
Headshot of Bree Jones
Bree Jones
Parity Homes
Timonium, Maryland
headshot of Sharon L. Lansdale
Sharon L. Lansdale
President and Chief Executive Officer
Center for Rural Health Development, Inc.
Hurricane, West Virginia
Headshot of Joseph Leitmann-Santa Cruz
Joseph Leitmann-Santa Cruz
Washington, D.C.
Headshot of Harold Pettigrew
Harold B. Pettigrew, Jr.
President and Chief Executive Officer
Opportunity Finance Network (OFN)
Washington, D.C.
Headshot of Carmen Romero
Carmen Romero
President & CEO
Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing (APAH)
Arlington, Virginia
Headshot of Thomas Watson
Thomas Watson
Executive Director
Rural Support Partners
Asheville, North Carolina