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Economic Brief

October 2011, No. 11-10

Fifth District Manufacturing and the Recession: An Analysis of Subsector Performance

Robert Schnorbus and Judy Cox

Over several decades, the relative rise of consumer durables manufacturing and the relative decline of consumer nondurables manufacturing in the Fifth District may have hindered the region's ability to weather the recession of 2007-09. Decomposing the Fifth District Survey of Manufacturing Activity into four subsectors confirms that this new mix of industries contributed to a slightly deeper recession and a slower, weaker recovery in the Fifth District.

Additional Resources

Fifth District Survey of Manufacturing Activity

Harris, Matthew, Raymond E. Owens, and Pierre-Daniel G. Sarte, "Using Manufacturing Surveys to Assess Economic Conditions," Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Quarterly, Fall 2004, vol. 90, no. 4, pp. 65-92.

Manufacturing Data, ISM Report on Business

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